Saturday, November 23, 2013

Weekends For Days

What's today, Friday? I can't keep track these days. In fact, I was in Costco with my sister, her one million kids, and my mom the other day and as we were walking away from the sample table, the sample lady (not sure what her respectable title is so we will keep that) who had kept us there all too long chatting about which flavored butter would taste better on grilled cheese sandwiches (which by the way they ALL's BUTTER) said, "Happy Friday" to us as we walked away. I was taken back a bit because I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a weekend.

The fact of the matter is, every day for the last 3 months have taken on weekend-like qualities, i.e. late nights, late mornings, Netflix in bed, snacks in bed (don't judge we've all done it), manicures with besties, movies at 2 am, etc. I don't keep track of the days because I don't have to. there is no separation between working and resting, IT'S ALL RESTING, AND ITS GLORIOUS. Summer break rolled right into fall break, which transitioned to winter break and here I am, still "breaking". The absolute best part of these glorious three months is that I have not been in school. Yes you heard me, I'm too cool for school. This last summer I graduated from Northwest University with my Masters in Elementary Education and the year before, my degree in Intercultural Studies.

So yes you've guessed it, life's been a joy ride recently because of the regained freedom I now have, which had so quickly vanished from my fingers the moment I enrolled in, well elementary school. But that's beside the point. The point is that Ive had a lot of extra time to do some thinking. It has been both exhausting and eye-opening. Ive had the time to think about things that Ive never thought deeply about before, like adulthood...what is that anyway? And why did I think I was prepared for it? This blog may reveal some not so lovely feelings about the last three months that I have had the privilege of dealing with (yes I said privilege, we will address this later). Some of these feelings I know are unique to my life and my situation, but others, I guarantee about 92% of college grads have experienced and have lied to you and told you that they have not felt them, that everything is just peachy keen. It is not fine, they are lying to you.

However this blog is more than just an outlet for my negative pouty feelings, an electronic diary if you will. I'm learning fascinating things about myself and discovering heaps about Christ and His never-ending goodness. The truth is I'm an out-loud thinker. Ask anybody who has known me for more than three minutes, they will tell you that I don't need another human in the room to engage in conversation. I can break the ice, engage in a topic, analyze, problem solve, and come up with some conclusion without a single word being uttered from the second party. So in a way this blog will allow me to organize some of that confusing over-thinking I do and keep it out of our dinner parties. You're welcome friends. I hope you will be encouraged as I have been.

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